Music Ministry

Mission Statement:

Ensure that the message of God is proclaimed to all people by ministering through songs, believing in pray, and acknowledging God’s scriptures. (Psalm 96: 1-4)


PG Voices will minister the word of God through songs of worship and praise as instructed by the Holy Spirit. (Col. 3: 16)


Teach the Youth to develop a closer relationship with God thru songs of praise and worship

Educate the Youth the importance and reason of worship and praise

Allow the Youth the opportunity to express themselves freely thru worship

Minister to others the Word of God thru songs of worship and praise

Give the Youth the chance to be active members in the church


1.  Be yourself and have fun praising God!

2.  Enjoy and believe in what you are doing.

3.  Be respectful to others.

4.  No talking, playing, and any other disruptive behaviors allowed, when songs are being taught!

5.  No degrading one another in any negative way!

6.  Positive encouragement allowed only.

7.  Have FUN, FUN, and FUN! (Col. 3: 15-17,20) (Heb, 13:17)